The Collective Exchange Liquidity Estimator

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Exchange Loan

Gross Loan Proceeds$ -
Net cash received now$ -
Potential after-tax Exchange Fund distribution in 7 years¹$ -
Total potential after-tax proceeds
$ -
Could not generate graph

Detailed Estimator Breakdown

See the assumptions used for these preliminary estimates below
Exchange your shares for a limited partnership interest in the Collective Liquidity Fund of equal value
Number of shares exchanged
$ -
Per share value of shares exchanged
$ -
Value of exchanged shares
$ -
Value of Exchange Fund LP interest issued to exchanger
$ -
$ -
Brokerage commissions
$ -
Exchange Fund capital account issued to exchanger
$ -
Receive Non-Recourse Exchange Loan
Gross loan proceeds *
$ -
Less first year interest
$ -
Less loan origination fee
$ -
Net cash received from loan
$ -
Receive a Distribution from the Exchange Fund to Payoff Loan - Keep Whatever's Leftover
Potential value of Exchange Fund Interest after 7 years
$ -
Less Exchange Loan repayment
$ -
Less tax on redemption, net of interest expense deduction
$ -
Potential net value of Exchange Fund distribution
$ -
$ -

The above calculations are based on the following assumptions:
(i) Federal and state tax rate for capital gains is N/A (ii) holding period for Exchange Fund limited partnership interest is N/A years (you may redeem earlier than years but may then be taxed on the final Exchange Fund distribution), (iii) at end of holding period, the limited partnership interest is redeemed to repay loan and taxes arising from the redemption, (iv) the remaining limited partnership interest is then distributed in the form of Exchange Fund portfolio securities, and (v) the average return on the Exchange Fund net of all fees is 12.5% . The assumed 12.5% average return on the Exchange Fund is hypothetical. Hypothetical performance results have inherent limitations. No representation or guarantee is being made that the Exchange Fund will achieve any particular results. There are frequently differences between hypothetical fund results and the actual results subsequently achieved. The assumed average return on the fund is not necessarily indicative of future performance.

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