Turing stock

Turing Stock

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Founded: 2018Funding to Date: $142M
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Turing has developed a talent platform that uses the power of artificial intelligence to streamline the engineer acquisition process. The platform utilizes AI to analyze data from numerous sources to construct developer profiles, which are then matched with businesses seeking engineers. Turing effectively addresses the challenge of integrating onsite teams with remote counterparts via artificial intelligence. This provides companies with an engineer who is perfectly suited to their needs, and facilitates rapid growth for businesses aiming to thrive.

Investors include:
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Further Key Investors:

SaxeCap, Visary Capital, K20 Fund, Shariq Rizvi, Foundation Capital, Ramez Naam, Alumni Ventures, Dmitry Chernyak, Falconry VC, AltaIR Capital, Lorenzo Thione, Siqi Chen, Natalia Shkirtil, Brainstorm Ventures, Brightway Future Capital, Lhoucine Aderdor, Ludmila Khrapchenko, Sung Choi, Rafael Carmona, Browder Capital, CapitalX, Suzanne Fletcher, Lombardstreet Ventures, Kintan Brahmbhatt, WestBridge Capital (San Mateo).