Looking to sell Density stock or options?
Contact usDensity is a company that offers radar and depth-based sensors devised for measuring space usage without violating privacy. The sensors of the company can anonymously and accurately count people in real time, empowering organizations to make improved real estate decisions and providing their employees with an enhanced workspace experience.
Bossa Invest, Kurt Bilafer, Evolutionary Ventures, The Tech Garden, Trousdale Ventures, Kevin Hartz, Adam Sharp, JD Carluccio, 01 Advisors, Sax Capital, Julia Hartz, Cyan Banister, Lhoucine Aderdor, Richard Wolpert, Scott Banister, Broadshade Investments, James Conigliaro, Eric Jorgenson, Bryan Rosenblatt, 5150 Capital, Arjun Sethi, Offline Ventures, Robert Kunz, Lachy Groom, Bob Haya.