Course Hero stock

Course Hero Stock

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Founded: 2006Funding to Date: $476M
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Course Hero is the creator of a digital education platform aimed at offering students access to resources tailored to their specific courses. The platform incorporates study resources compiled by a consortium of students and educators, and devised by a group of educational content professionals in partnership with subject matter specialists. This facilitates learners in promptly finding the materials they require to gain in-depth knowledge of their topics.

Investors include:
Sequoia Capital logo
Further Key Investors:

TPG, Sierra Ventures, Plug and Play Tech Center, Summit Peak Investments, OMERS Growth Equity, Jared Grauer, Pejman Nozad, Craft Ventures, Frog Design, Chimera Capital, SharesPost, Mark Feldman, Benjamin Lin, SV Angel, Andrew Boszhardt, Frederick Grauer, Valiant Capital Partners, 137 Ventures, Bill Krause, David Grauer, Steve Chen, MITS Fund, Great Oaks Venture Capital, Jeff Fluhr, Umang Gupta.