Andela stock

Andela Stock

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Founded: 2014Funding to Date: $330M
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Andela operates a worldwide talent network designed to match businesses with pre-qualified, remote engineers from developing markets. The company's platform not only enables candidates to acquire and hone skills but also creates a talent reservoir. Andela also provides employers with services such as sourcing, evaluation, and aligning candidates with the job, thereby allowing clients to expand their central teams rapidly and cost-effectively.

Investors Include:

GV, Stephen Case, 4DX Ventures, Sweetwater Private Equity, Omidyar Network, Flat World Partners, Whale Rock Capital Management, Flightmode Digital, Future Africa, VentureSouq, BuildGroup, Playfair Capital, Lingo Ventures, TLcom Capital, Federico Pirzio-Biroli, Susa Ventures, Outlander VC, Africa Angels Network, Golden Palm Investments, Amplo (Spring), SoftBank Investment Advisers, Mark VC, MicroVentures, Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, DBL Partners.